Next Event: November 29, 2025
At the heart of our St. Andrew’s Night Banquet is a traditional welcome and generosity of spirit. Join with us as we indulge in some Scottish fare, enjoy the entertainment and feel the warm embrace of Scotland.

One of the highlights of our evening is the entrance of the haggis, as it is piped into the room by members of the Ingersoll Pipe Band. Enjoy the culmination of this spectacle as the flaming haggis is sliced with the ceremonial knife, the Sgian Dubh, while the poem ‘Address to a Haggis’ by Robert Burns is recited.
Our evening would not be complete without the talented Highland dancers from the Sim School of Highland dance, music from the Ingersoll Pipe Band, and fabulous musical guests.

Keeping the Scottish heritage of the area alive and pertinent are our Zorra Caledonian Board members, a group of locals who are always up for a wee bit of tartan & fun!