Zorra Caledonian Society
About Us
The Zorra Caledonian Society has been host to Ontario’s oldest Highland Games since its inception in 1937. The area’s Scottish roots run deep, with the first Scots arriving from Sutherland, Scotland, in 1829. Driven from their homes and land during the Highland Clearances, they arrived in the Township of Zorra where they built a new life while endeavouring to retain something of their heritage and tradition.
The tartan you see here was commissioned in 2012 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Zorra Caledonian Society. The shades of green represent the fertile, rolling hills of the Zorra Highlands that surround Embro. The black shows the strength and endurance of the Society on the occasion of its 75th year. The white represents honour and purity in its actions. The red is for the blood sacrificed by preceding generations so their descendants could prosper in a free country, Canada.
“The Zorra Caledonian Society is a non-profit community organization formed in 1937 that celebrates and promotes the Scottish heritage of Embro – Zorra”